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The WordPress Starter Kit – New from Maestra Web Design

    A Website solution for the Tech-Savvy, Budget Conscious Artist

    wordpress-logo-starter copy

    Lots of the established artists I have designed for in the past don’t have the time or inclination to set up or maintain their own site. They’d prefer to pay me for peace of mind, which is absolutely fine. However, I know there are young artists, just coming into the professional world, who might have more tech-skills (or have more friends with those skills) than the previous generation. And, let’s face it, young artists usually have less money, and more time.

    So, I thought, how can I help out these up-and-comers? My time is valuable – I can’t give it away. But maybe I can set up a framework to help artists build their own site.

    The Maestra “WordPress Starter Kit” is my answer. An inexpensive, professional looking, partly D-I-Y option for tech-savvy artists who want to save some money, learn a bit about WordPress, and help set up and maintain their own website.

    What’s included?

    • I’ll book your hosting (charged to your credit card), link up your domain, and install WordPress.
    • I’ll install a Theme you like and tweak a few things for spacing and font-size (prebuilt Themes always seem to come with bad font-sizing). Check out iThemes for some flexible examples.
    • I’ll design a custom banner to fit your Theme, using a photo you’ve provided. (Two banner drafts included).
    • I’ll get you started with the first page of content (your contact page for example), and a sample blog post if you are going to blog.
    • I’ll install and setup 3 essential Plugins (WordPress applications) – Akismet to counter comment spam, an automatic back up program, and a contact form.
    • For an extra $50, I’ll install and set up up to 5 additional Plugins that will make it easier for you to post slick-looking slideshows, embedded YouTube clips and streaming audio clips.
    • I’ll setup automatic back-ups, and save one for you just in case.
    • And, finally, I’ll send you a login for your WordPress dashboard and a written tutorial, so you can start adding pages and populating them with your own content – text, images, audio and video.

    How much?

    • I’m launching this promotion at a special price of $400* for a limited time!

    Is this right for me?

    This package is for you IF and WHEN:

    • You are relatively computer savvy – eg: you have no problem syncing and loading songs to your MP3 player or uploading videos to YouTube, you set up your own router, you back up your computer files on a regular basis, you change your alpha-numeric passwords regularly.
    • You are a solo artist requiring a 6 – 8 page site (not an ensemble or arts organization). If you are going to build it yourself, the site should be relatively simple and streamlined – organizations usually need extra links, buttons and blog categories for different kinds of news etc. which could easily become too complex for a beginner WordPress-er. If you take on too much, you could end up with a mish-mashy and unwieldy final product, or an unfinished mess that you will have to pay to have cleaned up.
    • You have at least 2 or 3 recent, professional photographs of yourself (with your instrument, if you play one). I can’t stress this enough. Amateur photos will make your site look cheap and amateur, and will reflect poorly on you as an artist. 5- 10 year old photos, even if they were taken by a pro, will look dated.
    • You have some time to learn WordPress and set up your site. It will probably take you 5 – 10 hours to get all your stuff up and looking good, allowing for a learning curve. There is no point getting this package if your one complimentary page is going to sit there for a year before you have time to get going.
    • You’ve done the prep work: You know exactly what information you want on the site, you have a site plan, all your materials are proofed and ready to go, and you have a couple of days free to get it together after the initial set up is done.


    *Pricing is in Canadian Dollars. 13% HST will be added for Canadian Customers.

    2 thoughts on “The WordPress Starter Kit – New from Maestra Web Design”

    1. Hey, sounds great. Could you tell me what the 5 additional Plugins are? Does it include any commercial plugins? I would love to have the form validation Accurate Form Data commercial plugin included if possible.

      1. Plugins included vary according clients’ needs but generally I install and set up open-source security and back up plugins, a music player, a form processor, as well as lightbox type slideshow and/or banner slider.

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